Whole Class Behavior System

My kiddos absolutely LOVE this whole class behavior system.  I started using it several years ago and have tweaked it over the years, but the kids still feel the same about it.  I hang the words on a bulletin word that say, We are on the Road to Good Behavior.  I have them created for a large or small classroom bulletin board.  Every time they are given a compliment about their behavior from a specials teacher, or about how they are walking down the hall, or their behavior during a drill, I move the bus one letter.
You should see their reaction when the music teacher says they were so well behaved today.  They all look at me with wide eyes full of excitement.  The kicker is they know they can't say, "can we move the bus?!"  otherwise I won't.  I know, I am terrible!  So they just stare with anticipation until we get into the classroom and I move the bus.  It takes some time to get to the end, but when they get to the "r" in behavior I blindly pull a reward card from the treasure box. 

There are all sorts of rewards that my past kiddos helped me create.  So you know they are "kid approved".  The one that has been a huge hit in the past has been "lunch with the principal in the classroom".  The great part is that it didn't cost me a penny!  I do have some reward cards that would require some cash, such as "donuts and milk", but sometimes I don't include those.  The choice is yours!  There are PLENTY to pick from without those few.  You can even print multiple copies to increase the chances of picking your favorite.  I know, I know a teacher would NEVER do that! ;) It will be our secret!
Here is a sample of some of the rewards

I know your class will be on the road to good behavior in no time! Enjoy!


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