Day #1

Inside the box was a mailbox. I found it at Menard's for $4.99. I couldn't pass it up! At the time I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, but you just never know... There was also some red and green pieces of card stock and envelopes and a note from Fred. He was already named because he was Mel D's elf and I have some of her former student's siblings.
The note was from Fred introducing himself and he also called out one of my more challenging kiddos for behaving better the last few days. Again I was teary eyed.
I pulled the mailbox and opened the door and there was Fred... face down. I said, "Wow, he must have had a rough trip!" I wasn't sure what to do, so I went and got my gloves out of my coat and sat him upright. Then I had to go into the whole thing about I am not taking his magic away because I am an adult and using gloves. Hopefully I didn't upset any parents with that one!
They were mesmerized!!! All day they would go up to the mailbox and stare. Then I heard them making up things like I saw his eyes move. Oh, if only that were true. :(
Day #2
Fred appeared on our projector WAY up high! They were so worried he was going to fall and wanted me to move him. I had to reassure him that he had magic and wouldn't fall. Then they noticed the pin! They kept saying he needed to go to the "Elf Hospital" and they were so worried! It really was cute.
Day #3
I messed up! I forgot to take their wishlists they made the day before. Luckily, they have quite the imagination. Due to the "Elf Hospital" comment I decided to put a band aid where the pin was and they him on a pile of tissues. They were so sad and when they noticed he hadn't taken the lists they said he must have fallen from the projector and had a really bad night. Too precious! I of course played along.
While they were at recess I took him away and left a note from Santa (I forgot to take a picture), but this is what it said...
Dear Boys and Girls,
I came to take Fred back to the North Pole. I am going to try and give him his magic back. I am very sad at the bad choices that were made today. I will be watching you!
I am not joking when I tell you this. There were TEARS!!! I could NOT believe it! You better believe I played into it. The mood of the classroom was so somber! I even mustered up a few tears of my own. Haha!
When they were getting ready to go to Library they asked me not to stay in the room. I ended up telling them I had work to do because I wanted to make my precious one think about it over the weekend.
I think he will reappear on Monday in a VERY safe spot!
I have also been doing the elf at my own home. Here are a few pictures of Joe and my friend's elf JoJo Pinocchio. My friend is VERY creative and her daughter feeds into it BIG time!
I hope you are all having as much fun as I am having!
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